Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Try Telling Him It's Just A Little Fur Trim" by PETA Asia Pacific

Media: Internet

Ad Title: Try Telling Him It's Just A Little Fur Trim

The ad features elements that grabs the audience's attention easily. The close up of the main character makes the ad more emotional and brings a stronger impression of the message towards the audience.

Headline: Try Telling Him It's Just A Little Fur Trim

Visuals:  The ad shows Natalie Imbruglia in bare skin holding a rabbit in her arms, showing that she would rather go naked than wear fur.

Prospects: To let audience realize the cruelty of removing animal's fur and reject wearing fur.

Problem: Consumers favouring and buying fur clothes and products.

Objective: To encourage audience to stand up against fur clothes and products, fight the cruel fur trade and help millions of animals worldwide.

Strategy: Using an emotional approach by featuring the rabbit in the advertisement. This would make audience feel sympathetic towards the animals.

The appeal of this advertisement is the cruelty of removing fur from these animals. The headline of the ad suggests audience to tell a small animal that removing fur off its back is just a little trim. It uses the audience's love towards animals and directing the problem back to the audience, making them realize that removing an animal's fur is not just a little trim and it is an extremely cruel action instead. Therefore, with Natalie Imbruglia holding a rabbit to her bare chest, it shows the solution of the problem which is to stand up against the usage of fur in apparels and products. 

By: Ng Yee Peng

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