Monday, September 16, 2013

"Who goes to a bank branch these days?" by CIMB Bank

(Source: The Star 2013)

Media: Newspaper

Ad Title: " Who goes to a bank branch these days?"

The big headline being at the center of the page catches the eye immediately when a reader looks at the page. With the headline "Who goes to bank branch these days?" also catches the readers' attention as it is related to the lifestyle almost every reader are having nowadays where everything can be done digitally through the internet anytime and anywhere instantly.

Headline: " Who goes to a bank branch these days?"

Sub Headline: Kwik Account. The First account that can be opened anytime, anywhere.

Body copy: Account activation is instant and no deposit is required. That's how the Kwik Account has been designed o suit your busy lifestyle, to offer more convenience. Open your Kwik account at now.
CIMB Bank. Leading in online banking services.
Open a Kwik Account now, transact and stand to win exciting gadgets.
To find out more, visit

Ad Strategy: This advertisement uses one of Gunn's 12 Master Formats of Advertising which is Associated User Imagery as CIMB bank wants to be associated as the bank of leading online banking.

Slogan: Asean for you

Visuals: This ad features the use of negative space by using a black background with white wordings to enhance the reader's focus on the headline. This advertisement also uses a few visuals featuring gadgets such as smartphones and cameras with young adults in it which shows that they are the target audience of this ad.

By: Renvin Kaur Sidhu 

1 comment:

  1. "The big headline being at the middle* of the page catches the eye of the readers immediately when the page is turned*". With the headline "Who goes to a* bank branch these days?" also catches the readers' attention as it is related to most of the reader nowadays having this kind of lifestyle where everything can be done digitally through the internet anytime and anywhere instantly*."

    "Visuals: This ad features the use of negative space by using a black background with white *and bold fonts to enhance the reader's focus on the headline. This advertisement also uses a few visuals featuring gadgets such as smartphones and cameras with young adults in it which shows that they are the target audience of this ad.
    The advertiser also uses more than one colour to make those gadgets even more colourful to attracts the reader's eye."

    (Mic) Michelle Liew
