Thursday, November 14, 2013

Most effective internet advertisement that I discovered.

Source: Youtube
Media: Online

I find this internet advertisement effective is because the advertisement has both a banner and a video ad together which is to me, very effective.

This banner advertisement on  the youtube page caught my attention because of the "attention-grabbing headline" It's simple and straight forward. "Want Maximised Power?"  keeping the message short with simple simple wording. Key words were used like MAXIMISED and POWER which is usually associated with cars and engine. The headline comes in a question form which creates curiosity for viewers.

Also, the visual in the banner ad caught my eye because it compares the two exact same car but it is split into two different message being convey. One half shows a dull environment with the car slightly left behind and small which indicates that it is at slower speed in comparison to the other half of the visual which has a more brighter colour car and environment, it also shows that the car is slightly bigger indicating that the car goes smooth and fast.

It also has a call to action statement which is also the headline. If viewers are interested they can click the HERE button and it will then proceed to bringing them into the main website for the product. Furthermore, attached to the banner ad is also a video of the advertisement and so viewers can easily click and watch it without fuss on finding the related video ad.

By: Wong Mei Yee


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As mentioned above, the headline was simple and straight forward; however it isn't only the headline that is simple and straight forward. The entire ad on itself is direct to the point and tells you what you need to know from the go; as opposed to beating around the bush. It simply shows that it gives you more power, period. Beating around the bush can sometimes work - arousing curiousity and whatnot. However, it could also backfire and audiences might get annoyed and/or distracted. This advertisement would not have that problem because of how straight forward it is - which is a fantastic feat.

    - Chen Kee Wei (Blake)
